KSC Instructional Technology


10/06 Technology Tool Pick of the Month

RSS: News YOU Choose
Monadnock region, Marketplace, national news, Red Sox scores, Jon Udell, weekend weather, CNET, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. These are areas on the web that interest me and that I frequently visit hoping to get new and up-to-date information. The ‘old’ way of looking for Red Sox scores or the latest Jon Udell post was to visit their web sites and hope that everything was current. This is not difficult but there had to be a better and more efficient way of getting new news. And there is! This is where RSS technology steps in. RSS feeds are free content pushed from web sites that contain headlines, article summaries and links back to the full-text content on the web. To begin using RSS technology you need a news reader also known as a news aggregator. There are hundreds of news aggregators to choose from and many are free. You can find a list on the RSS Compendium:

I’ve found that the free browser-based version of NewsGator is easy to use, includes the ability to automatically subscribe and organize news feeds and works well with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Don’t take my word for it; try it yourself!

NewsGator Online – Web-based RSS Aggregator: http://www.newsgator.com


  • Hi Jenny,

    FWIW, some folks who might want to subscribe to this blog will be puzzled not to see any of the familiar RSS links. Blogger embeds your feed's address, which is:


    in the hidden part of the HTML page where some tools can find it. But it's a good idea to also publish it to the visible part of the page. Assuming you can, that is. I forget how Blogger handles things like sidebar links...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:04 PM  

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