KSC Instructional Technology


Welcome Back!

The KSC instructional technology blog is a way for the instructional technology team to help keep faculty informed about the kinds of tools, resources, and technologies that are available; and how faculty are using these technologies to teach and create content. We’ll discuss what works and what doesn't, and what better way to share information than a blog! (Well, we think its pretty nifty. Did you know that blog was the word of the year in 2004 according to Merriam-Webster? Even with the blog’s established history, it is one of the “new” (er) technologies to hit our campus.)

The hot buzz these days is all about online social networking and the tools that are used to facilitate it. This year’s blog topics will focus on tools such as; deli.cious, streaming media, Blackboard, RSS, and podcasts, so you can read about these topics in relation to the work you and your colleagues are doing on campus. Check back every month for informational blurbs, and learn how these and other technologies are being used by fellow faculty.

Does a particular topic interest you? Post a comment, ask a question. If there is enough interest in a specific technology topic then we will follow up with a hands-on workshop that will show you how to use it!

You will also find a monthly technology tool “pick of the month”. The technology will be reviewed based on criteria such as: usefulness to teaching and learning, ease of use, and cost. September's pick will be posted the week of the 11th.

We also host a series of instructional technology events throughout the semester including workshops and Brown Bag lectures. Below you will find our fall highlights:

Instructional Technology Events
Workshop: Student Assessment: Using Blackboard tests and survey tool

Explore podcasting for education. Why would educators want to podcast? What do you need to get started? What does the student need? Attend our Brown Bag lecture and hands-on workshop to learn more about why and how to podcast.

“Get your news here!” Easier to use than to describe, RSS technology makes keeping up to date with web-based information easy by automatically telling users what’s new. Learn how RSS technology can be used to augment the curriculum.

Copyright in a digital environment: techniques and technology tools used to help you!


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